Thursday, June 3, 2010

We Would Do Well To Take The Bible Into Account

Reading this bears only one thing in mind. The Jews worst enemies were the Amaleks and the Edomites. We are so convenient to look at world events like they have got nothing to do with what the Bible has to say. Why is it that man does not want to acknowledge the truth of the Bible? He is so bent out of shape to become like G=d. This is all what Humanism is about. When Satan said in Isaiah, "I will exalt myself to be the most high," this is exactly what it preaches. This happened back during the days of Noah and the tower of Babel and it is happening now. All you have to do is look at the EU parliament which is exactly like an unfinished ziggurat. And all the symbolism as the statue of the goddess Europa. Europa is a goddess out of mythology. The bull she rides on is Zeus in disguise. But it is also to be noted that the word Bull has been used in Canaanite description as the name for the fertility god also known as Baal. Hence the bull can be taken as a symbol for Satan and the harlot is the world that turns against the saints of whose cup is filled with the blood thereof that makes her drunk. This is exactly what you find on the back side of the E 2.00 coin.

The Amaleks and the Edomites who contest Israel to this day, are to be found all over the world. They didn't die out, but they morphed into new people, new nations. Is it than hard to understand, as in the article above, that the female "peace activists" that were deported back to their European countries, even on the day of being released from prison after being well treated, attacked the Israeli prison guards in a most violent fashion? It is not! It is the continuation of Israel's archenemies. We would do well to learn from the Bible. Only than do we understand world events in its proper context.

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