Monday, June 28, 2010

The Flotillas of Summer, The Guns of August

The Flotillas of Summer, The Guns of August

Hey, this guy who has the Israel flag and equals it with terror, I'm glad my bumper sticker says "Fight Terror - Support Israel."

No truly when I see this I wonder what would it be that would make us proud to be Americans. What used to make us proud was that we always stood for the right things. But what if we become no different than the nations around us, especially concerning Israel? We would be no better or worse. Ultimately we would have turned our backs on G-d. If we do not see the signs now - Katrina, Oil Spill, and many other natural or stock related disasters that came smack on the heels of America being unfavorable towards Israel - when will we get it? When it's too late?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Response on “A Religious War” by Uvin A. Clough Jr., TSGT, USAF, from Worth Reading

This is directed to Uvin Clough. Sorry, I'm not familiar with military terms that much but it's evident that you are at least a veteran if not still active member of the armed forces.

First of all, I want to thank you for doing your service for this country. At the same token, this whole war on terror has been troubling for many years. I fully supported George Bush during his first election and second (at least emotionally as I am to this day a German citizen and can't vote. That doesn't mean that I do not invest myself a great deal in politics). But a year into the second term I couldn't take it anymore how nothing, but nothing has been done when the Republican party had both houses under control. That's when I realized that there is truly no difference between parties anymore. They, our leaders, are all part and parcel of the CFR.

The first thing that made me question our engagement in Iraq was a broadcast of Freedom America, I believe. There, a Christian made that statement that it would be wrong to have any more investment in Iraq than to give them a hard blow and leave this as a warning for any future comittment and involvement into acts of terrorism, whether through financial support or otherwise. That was before we even invaded. Instead he suggested that we take control of the oil and maybe equal distribution amongst the populace without engaging in nation building whatsoever.
Before the invasion in Iraq, I have read "The Peace To End All Peace" by David Fromk. The same had been tried by Great Britain after WW I with little to no success.

Other problems I saw arising in this "WOT" is the relationships between our American leaders and the house of Saud, the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Since I have a variety of news sources here and from Israel, I quickly came to realize that Bush truly has not been a friend of Israel. Why else the expulsion in Gaza, why Amona which I make Bush directly responsible for. As a matter of fact, our friend status with Israel is a misnomer at best. Yes we came to their aid many times but we engaged in many other activities that true friends of another country would never do anything that could cause further detrament to the country we're friends with.

Further, it became evident that for some decades now we allowed Muslim immigrants into our country. The result is that we see the same thing happening that happened in the eighties in France with the subjects of France's former colonies living in the country, having their own "ghettos" which nowadays became no-go zones. France, at least, may have an excuse. But America? Why the cuddling of political leaders with the master mind of the Lebanon Barrack bombing in Dearborn Michigan? Why the parralel political and social climate in Muslim neighborhoods in America as in the West Bank and Gaza? Why did America protect the pull out of the PLO at the end of the Lebanon war in 82 by having USAF protecting the french Navy that shipped the PLO out of Beirut from the IAF or Israeli Navy even so the IDF could have finished them off once and for all? Why did Carter use the PLO as a mediator in the Iran hostage crisis who before has been known by most Americans as a terrorist group but now had its status elevated in the public's mind? Why did Carter make a move to provoke the Ayatollah to take American hostages to begin with? Why did America acknowledge the PLO in the 80s as a government in exile without a nation, people, monetary system, and history? Why? Why? Why?.

Do you see where I'm coming from? I wholeheartedly support our troops. But is the cause just when we allow the enemy to establish itself within our borders and have Islamaburgs all over the country where they train Muslims in militant fighting fashions, thus building a fifth column? The least we could do is to allow our brave men and women to do the job they have to do without living in fear that for no reason at all they could face a court marshal as Michael New for resisting to serve under any insignia but the country he comitted to defend when in Bosnia. Like Michael Behennan who is charged with assaulting and murdering an Al Qaida terrorist he was assigned to escort to his family and further interrogation while doing so. He sits now in Fort Leavenworth waiting for the outcome of his court trial while the prosecutors try to block everything and anything to lay evidence for being not so. Like the marine in Fallujah who, I do not know what happened with him, faced a similar situation for killing a wounded old man but had seen his friends being blown up by booby traps attached to the bodies of others, coming to their help after being injured?

Yes, Islam wants to seek dominion. Till then there is the house of Islam (submission) and there is the house of war (dal awar?). But truly it is the world elite that puts a strangle hold on the West to bring it down and strip it of any freedom we ever may have enjoyed. The average jihadists fights his religous war while Americans are befuddled why we can't name the perpetrator for who they are, therefore identifying the enemy. But as Schuyler says, it is ultimately evil against good. It is the forces of Satan against the forces of Almighty G-d. They G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

By the way, I invested eleven years of my pasttime into Israel and the Middle East. When 9/11 happened, all I could think of is that we have the suicide bombers now on our shore. And yet, New York comissioned the building of a mega mosque looking down on Ground Zero. This is for a Islamic Jihadist the ultimate victory. Because we cave in, they already conquered. It's just a matter of time to get everything lined up for the final take over. And yet our leaders can't or should I say won't see.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blood of the Earth - The BP Gulf Oil Spill part 8

Okay, I leave this to everyone else to make up their mind.

There is a web site called Light Gate. It has the appearance of being Christian but what I do not like necessarily is it's sensationalistic appeal. However, I received a link to one of their radio broadcasts where it talks about the fumes coming from that spill being so dangerous that we will see forced evacuations from all the coast lines along the spill site and where it might go to in the future if it will be carried along the Gulf current into the North Atlantic.

Whether that's true or not is not the question. But things seem to get worse and worse as the years go on, starting definitely with 9/11 and from there on. Earthquakes increase in frequency and magnitude as never before, hurricanes become more devastating as well as tornadoes. One of the sites that I trust most is South West Radio Church Ministry, Not only because they do bring up these things on their broadcasts as well as their Prophetic Observer newsletters, but they do as well focus on the spiritual things and the continuing demise of main stream churches that are being infiltrated by the emerging church philosophy of a Social Christianity rather than a G-d centered one. Bringing the Bible more and more into dispute and teaching false doctrines. NOTE: They do not come up with theories but they go by what we already know is happening today seen in politics as well as science, i.e. gene manipulation, cloning, and so on.

Paul was very clear on the doctrines of devils which are the doctrines of man taking form through a believe called secularism and humanism which centers on man without G-d. This was seen in Communist Russia which killed 60 million as well as Communist China, Laos, Vietnam and many other Communist, dictatorial countries where the state is G-d. Given this situation it may not be far off to say that some things are happening by design. While other things could have happened a long time ago because of the lack of proper safety measures but have not because it has not been G-d's timing yet till now.

Do I believe in conspiracies? Yes. HOWEVER, some are valid while others are only rumors. But we have to be careful not to leave G-d out of it who has ultimate control. He raises kings and he brings down the unjust. You and I as followers of Jesus Christ, know these things will happen and will get only worse as time goes on. You can see this in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. And let never anyone tell you that for us as Christians only the NT is relevant. Then Jesus wouldn't have come to fulfill the OT as mentioned in the book of Hebrews and many sayings of Christ point absolutely to the relevance of the OT.

By the way, we WILL HAVE a global warming :-). How can I smile about it? I can because it is totally contrary to the hoax we have been witnessing throughout the last two decades. It is not CO2 which is a fraud by governments and their pseudo scientists. Yet, this global warming will be worse than what we would foresee and it will only last a certain time. It will not be caused by man but G-d as the book of Revelation tells us very plainly. And each time one of these plagues will happen, each time a third of the current world population will die. Meaning if you start at 6 billions, 2 billion will die, if you have 4 billion, 1.2 billion will die, and so on. Loss of human life and destruction will be beyond what we ever knew and it is because of a sinful world. And yet during this time many who will come to believe in Jesus Christ as G-d's son will be saved even so they may lose their live in this world but will gain everlasting life in the world to come having the quality of a true utopia where man will live in peace where G-d will be the center of worship and dwell in the temple in Jerusalem. But as much as people may believe that it is the Christians and Jews doing, we have nothing to do with it because when it is not G-d's timing nothing will matter what we do because it will only fail. And Christians and Jews who love G-d know that we are totally dependent on him.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pick Up Your Phone, Make Your Voice Heard!

A couple of days ago, Pamela Geller from "Atlas Shrugs" let her readers know that she received a call from Paypal, informing her that her site falls under hate speech and therefore they see no other recourse than to delinguish her account. On reading that, I picked up my phone and called Paypal. I let the person I spoke to know that I was pretty upset that they would cave in to Islamic demands. And that they should put their political correctness on the ash heap of history. As always, I'm very nice to the person I'm talking to, knowing that they just do their job that they are assigned to do.

Today, I read on Pyjamas Media, which is the main web site for PJTV, that Paypal informed Pamela Geller that this was an unfortunate misunderstanding and they apologize for it. Realizing that they were under a barrage of callers and e-mailers, sharing their disgust with Paypal, that it really does matter to let your voice be heard. But if this would be all I wouldn't say anything and do something better with my time than to sit at the computer sharing my thoughts and events of the day with all of you who read this post.

The same article also mentioned that Paypal does not have a problem with a site called "Revolution Muslim" which incites their viewers to the murder of the South Park producers because of one of their show's recent episodes depicting a teddybear or something to the sort named Muhammed. Which again made my hand pick up the phone, call Paypal and ended up with a very nice sweet young lady named Pamela. I told Pamela how I feel about Paypal's double standard. That I'd rather wish to pass on my praise in doing the right thing concerning Atlas Shruggs but can't do so because of Paypal's obvious double standard.

I don't know if it will make a change or not. But one thing that has been prooven to me is that making your voice being heard can and will make an impact if just enough of us get out of their comfy chairs and do a little but momentous impact through numbers. If only few voice their complaints, of course nobody would care but if huge numbers do the same thing, people may just think twice. Now that may not be the case for our "soviet" style politicians but at this point we still can vote them out of office. It just takes the number of people doing so. If only 20 to 30 percent of the population votes, well than guess what, you get stuck with whoever gets the majority vote which isn't a majority at all because too many didn't heed the call to do the most important act that a person in a free society can do, that is to vote. It is a duty, not a choice. And we owe it to those who gave their blood for this beautiful country, shaking off the shakles of an oppressive England.

America has so many fires burning on all sides and part of it is because of the church not standing up and point the way as it used to be in days of old. Well that's true for everyone else too. Now the fire is so big that it's questionable if we are able to extinguish it unless everyone does their share.

Gilad Shalit

Gilad Shalit, an IDF soldier has been kept in captivity since he was kidnapped by Hizbullah to end up with Hamas in Gaza in late spring, early summer of 2006. This and the barrage of rockets from Lebanon on the northern part of Israel ended in another war with the neighboring state. Instead of having peace with the Lebanese after Israel's withdrawal from the southern border, it has been tense to say the least. As always peace never materialized with Israel's enemies since peace is not what they want but the total annihalation of the Jewish state. Pray for Shalit and his family.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

German news on the flotilla to Gaza

It's all with English subtitles. Very interesting. It also mentions that the passengers of Muslim orientation sang a song mentioning Kaibar. Kaibar was the Jewish town in the neighborhood of Medina where Muhammed after three years of a ten year peace treaty with the Jews and Christians, slaughtered and tortured almost the entire population, walking in their blood. This is a mission of peace activists distributing humanitarian aid? Not so. It's just plain old Jihad.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Warning To The Church!



By Marsha West

June 13, 2010

It seems everyone's practicing yoga meditation these days. Physicians recommend it to their patients which means it's beneficial…right? Meditation is said to relieve stress, anxiety, hypertension, acne and post-nasal drip, so go for it! Just tighten those abdominal muscles, inhale deeply and chant Maaaaaaaaa all in one breath and your concerns will drift away like a feather floating on the wind…

But what if you're a Christian? Should you practice the same sorts of things as Buddhist, Hindu's and New Agers?

Listen to what the Bible says:

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" (Josh.1:8).

Firstly, meditating day and night does not mean to stay awake for 24 hours a day. Secondly, Christian meditation is very different from Eastern meditation. Followers of Jesus Christ are not to sit in the lotus pose in an altered state of consciousness seeking the "God within" like pagans do. The Bible teaches that when Christians meditate our minds are to be fully engaged. We are never to go into a trance-state.

What does meditation involve? "The word 'meditation' in Hebrew means basically to speak or to mutter. When this is done in the heart it is called musing or meditation. So meditating on the Word of God day and night means to speak to yourself the Word of God day and night and to speak to yourself about it."

Before you dive into God's Word take a moment to ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind and to reveal truth to you. As you read, stop to ponder what God has spoken through the words on the page. Always, always, always consider the context. In Charles Spurgeon's sermon "Pray Without Ceasing," he says there are four important questions to be asked:

"What do these words imply? Secondly, What do they actually mean? Thirdly, How shall we obey them? And, fourthly, Why should WE especially obey them?"

Sometimes you need to read a passage over and over…reflect on it…analyze it…and listen while the Holy Spirit speaks truth to you. A word of warning: Listening to God does not require that you "empty" your mind. This meditative practice, called Lectio divina a.k.a. spiritual formation…the silence…best known as contemplative (centering) prayer (CP) is a growing trend in evangelical churches despite the fact that this sort of prayer ritual comes from teaching associated with Catholic mystics such as Meister Eckhart, Ignatius of Loyola, St. John of the Cross, and St. Teresa of Avila. CP was reintroduced by Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating, Henri Nouwen, William Meninger, Basil Pennington and other mystics.

Many in the Emergent Church movement (ECM) are advancing Roman Catholic mysticism as well. Yet they insist on being seen as mainline evangelicals. ECM has not only introduced aberrant teaching into our churches, it undermines the authority of Scripture. Gary Gilley laments that there has been a shift from infallible scriptures to "psychological and sociological experts, opinions of the masses, trends of the moment and the philosophy of pragmatism. This shift has been subtle, which has made it all the more dangerous. Few have bothered to deny the Bible itself, they just misquote it, abuse its meaning, force their opinion on it, and if necessary mistranslate it to give the appearance that the Scriptures are backing their claims. The affect of all of this scriptural manipulation is to both erode the authority of God's Word and to give the appearance that what Scripture has to say isn't really important. It is only a short step from here to a Christian community that no longer has much use for the Bible." (This is eerily similar to the way liberals/progressives treat the U.S. Constitution.)

The Body of Christ needs to know who these apostates are. Rick Warren for one. Warren has been promoting CP in his books for years. Other important figures are Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Frank Viola, Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, Richard Rohr, Rob Bell, Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, Dan Kimball and Shane Claiborne. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Listen to why it can be dangerous:

"It has the potential to become, and often does become, a pursuit of mystical experience where the goal is to empty and free the mind and empower oneself. The Christian… uses the Scriptures to pursue the knowledge of God, wisdom, and holiness through the objective meaning of the text with the aim of transforming the mind according to truth. God said His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), not for lack of mystical, personal encounters with Him."

One should also consider that emptying or freeing the mind can put a person in contact with demons:

"[T]he dangers inherent in opening our minds and listening for voices should be obvious. The contemplative pray-ers are so eager to hear something—anything—that they can lose the objectivity needed to discern between God's voice, their own thoughts, and the infiltration of demons into their minds."

Contemplative prayer is almost identical to how the Zen Buddhists meditate. Following is part of the meditation process, "Just be still and know":

"Sit in the lotus pose (cross legged) keeping your spine straight... put your hands on each other in your lap… Now look at your left hand...just look. Aware of the left part of your body... look at the left hand in an empty manner. Just look. Don't let any thought pop up in your mind…look blankly on your left hand and try to feel the left portion of your body…feel the left part...feel…This very process will activate your right brain. When the right brain activates, it results in disappearance of thoughts. Your thought will start disappearing…[ Slowly after a few sessions of practicing this meditation, you will be able to instantly achieve this state of disappearance of thoughts]"

In Buddhism repeating a single word is known as a mantra. Many Buddhists simply murmur ommmm repeatedly. When Christians practice CP a word or phrase from the Bible is repeated. Many believers, especially young people, have been conned into believing that saying "I love Jesus" over and over will get them in contact with God. The fact of the matter is this approach to drawing close to God is unbiblical. Thus it should be eliminated from the serious Christian's approach to and understanding of meditation and prayer.

With these practices and beliefs comes a "virtual encyclopedia of theological error," says Gary Gilley. Many change agents in the Church are "Progressive Christians" now morphing into "social justice Christians" (SJC). Social justice is doublespeak for socialism. Spreading the social justice gospel is not the good news the Bible speaks of. SJCs want to mold America into a socialist saturated nanny state. Their aim is to redistribute the wealth. Before you buy into the SJC hype, check your history books. In every country socialism has been tried it has failed. Socialism takes away people's freedoms and ultimately leads to tyranny. So why on earth does America want to copy it?


SJCs are bent on reinventing, or as Dan Kimball puts it "re-imagining" traditional Christianity. Progressives are pushing pluralism. Because….when the Church becomes ecumenical and includes aspects of other religions it will blend nicely into their perception of how the 21st Century is going to be.

Authentic Christianity will never blend in! Christianity stands alone. All other religions are based on works righteousness (if you're a good person you will ultimately be rewarded). The Bible is very clear that "there is no one righteous, no not one" (Rom 3:10). We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Sin separates us from a holy God. Christians believe Christ died for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. We believe we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ's righteousness alone. True Christians are willing to die for the Truth. Are counterfeit Christians willing to die for their truth?

So, where was I?…Oh yes.

Progressive Christians are introducing theological error into the Church faster than a starving cheetah chasing down a gazelle. In "How to Practice Meditative Prayer" Acts 29 Pastor, Winfield Bevins, explains:

"In Hebrew thought, to meditate upon the Scriptures is to quietly repeat them, giving oneself entirely to God, and abandoning outside distractions. The two main things that we are told to meditate on are God's word and God's goodness. Paul tells us, 'Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things' (Philippians 4:8)."

Paul was not talking about prayer when he said "think about these things." He was saying that we should let our minds dwell on pure thoughts because what we allow into our minds shapes our actions. Paul finishes his thought in verse 9:

"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

Do what you have seen me do, says Paul. This is not about finding a quiet place to sit crossed legged and prayerfully meditate—he was telling them to imitate what they have seen in him! According to Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary:

"In these things he proposes himself to them for an example (v. 9): Those things which you have learned, and received, and heard and seen in me, do. … What they saw in him was the same thing with what they heard from him. He could propose himself as well as his doctrine to their imitation. It gives a great force to what we say to others when we can appeal to what they have seen in us. And this is the way to have the God of peace with us-to keep close to our duty to him. The Lord is with us while we are with him."

Many Christians lead busy lives so they put off spending time with God. In fact, data shows that most believers spend very little time in their Bibles, even though there's a whole lot of prayin' goin' on! People running hither and yon bombard the Lord with bullet prayers. Now, don't get me wrong. Praying umpteen times a day is what believers should do--we are commanded to pray without ceasing. (1 Thes. 5:17) We are also commanded to abide in Christ:

"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5).

If followers of Jesus Christ are to bring forth good fruit they must stay attached to the Vine. The fruit believers bear when they're not abiding in Christ may look ripe and juicy on the outside. But it is rotten fruit!

There is a story in Luke 10:38-42 of two sisters, Mary and Martha, who thought differently about how to serve their Master. When Jesus came to their home Martha stayed in the kitchen preparing food for their guests. She had her own ideas on how to serve Christ. Martha became vexed that Mary was not helping with the meal. Instead she sat at the feet of Jesus to hear his word. Martha actually went to Him to complain. Instead of taking her side, Christ publicly rebuked her:

"And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things…"

In his commentary Matthew Henry explains the situation:

"He repeated her name, Martha, Martha; he speaks as one in earnest, and deeply concerned for her welfare. Those that are entangled in the cares of this life are not easily disentangled. To them we must call again and again, O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord."

Jesus continues:

"But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Again, Matthew Henry:

"She had justly given the preference to that which best deserved it; for one thing is needful, this one thing that she has done, to give up herself to the guidance of Christ, and receive the law from his mouth. Note, Serious godliness is a needful thing, it is the one thing needful; for nothing without this will do us any real good in this world, and nothing but this will go with us into another world."

Certainly there is nothing wrong with cooking for guests. But what we need to remember is that we are children of God before we are servants of God. Like Mary, we must sit at our Lord's feet. Martha was so busy serving Jesus that she had no time to spend with Him! Have I hit a nerve?

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Prayer is intended as praise, confession, thanksgiving, and asking for others. (Phil 4:4-7) In prayer we find God's love and we will experience peace. Moreover, through prayer we are conformed to God's will. Prayer is not meant to be an esoteric experience, like the contemplatives would have us believe. The Bible does not teach that God's people are to go into a self-induced altered-state of consciousness to commune with Him. Again, meditating day and night does not mean we are to look for the "God within," as Eastern mystics and occultist do. For the Christian to be involved in any sort of pagan practice is strictly forbidden by God! This is because God opposes paganism's polytheism and blatant immorality. There is no getting around the fact that polytheism and immorality are the pagan way.

The Christian who truly wants to please God will do as the psalmist suggests:

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14).

Explore the Emergent/Emerging/Emergence Church Movement
Explore "Christian" Yoga
Explore Contemplative Prayer

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Marsha West is the Founder and Editor of Email Brigade News Report, an online news service for conservative people of faith. Marsha is a freelance writer whose main focus is on religious and cultural issues. She is a regular contributor to; TheConservativevoice; RenewAmerica; Christianworldviewnetwork; Webcommentary and other popular websites. Her writings have also appeared on WorldnetDaily; Canadafreepress; AmericanDaily and several Christian periodicals.

Marsha loves to write fiction for the younger generation. She is currently writing a series of books about an average Christian family and the cultural issues they face. Her books equip kids to defend their faith and live for Christ.

Marsha can be reached through her website, Email Brigade News Report


Clearly, this is a very true and present danger. ALL main line churches have been affected by it, substituting liberal theology for the true word of G-d. Again and again, I'm grateful for the church that we have become members of. Not only is the word of G-d taught in truth, but we also believe in Israel's right to exist, being as what they are, G-d's chosen people.

Google/YouTube, spineless as ever.

Headline News

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Israel Today Staff


YouTube silences pro-Israel parody group

Google's popular video-sharing site YouTube silenced a pro-Israel parody group that had gained widespread recognition in the wake of last week's Gaza flotilla raid on a flimsy copyright claim.

Following the flotilla incident and the international community's hypocritical and exaggerated criticism of Israel, the Latma parody group headed by Jerusalem Post Managing Editor Caroline Glick produced a short clip titled "We Con the World" set to the famous tune "We are the World." To date, the video has been viewed more than three million times on YouTube alone.

In the clip, Glick and other Latma actors dressed as Turkish and other foreign "peace" activists sing about how they have duped the world into believing Gaza's Hamas rulers are peaceful and that their only aim is to bring succor to the residents of Gaza, who they claim are living in destitution because of the Israeli maritime blockade.

It has since been revealed that many of the activists aboard the flotilla's largest ship, the Mavi Marmara, were affiliated with a Turkish terrorist organization, the IHH, and had been planning all along to violently confront Israeli naval forces sent to keep them from reaching Gaza.

Glick said that her lawyers warned that anyone trying to silence Latma would not go after the Israelis, but rather take legal action against YouTube by claiming copyright infringement. Of course, Latma's use of the tune from "We are the World" in this context is covered by the Fair Use Doctrine, which permits copyrighted material to be used for the purpose of parody.

But YouTube has been notoriously quick to bow to any and all legal pressure in such cases, even when the use of copyright material is legal, in order to avoid litigation.

Glick wrote on her blog that she would be willing to accept that YouTube was again being overcautious if it weren't for previous efforts by the website to silence Israel's voice.

During the Israeli incursion into Gaza in January 2009, the IDF released raw combat footage on YouTube in order to counter biased mainstream media reporting. YouTube removed the footage, but then restored it following furious protests. However, the footage was restored with posted warning similar to those placed in front of pornographic videos, and which require visitors to sign up for a YouTube account in order to view.

Glick said she isn't going to waste time fighting YouTube, and will instead post the video to her blog where people can download and redistribute it as they see fit


This was on today's Israel Today It is truly an aggravating day for me. Sometimes I think I shouldn't even look at my mail and get my nose out of politics. Then again, if I don't express how I feel about certain things to others, some may never hear it and respond to the issues of the day. Israel had been dear to my heart for many years now. From a denying to an accepting and then embracing German, I've come a long way. G-d and Israel cannot be separated. Even Paul admonishes his readers not to boast for being crafted as wild branches into the olive tree. Because if G-d would tear out those who not believed (Jews who deny the son of G-d), how much easier is it for him to rip out those He had crafted in (us Gentiles). Therefore, How can someone say he is a Christian and not believe in the right for Israel to exist but sides with its enemies as so many churches do today.

Rally against Ground Zero Mosque

First it makes me angry seeing the audacity of a Congressman attacking a student asking a question. This makes me equally angry. Sadly it may be G-d's judgement on America if spiritual revival in the churches and salvation sweeping the country will not occur.

Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

Doesn't this show the audacity of our government by and large? Washington gives a hoot and who are you to have the right to ask questions. Next thing we know is that all the guy needs to do is call for security and you're hauled away to a detention camp in the middle of nowhere.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gaza Flotilla - What Really Happened

Nobody has an excuse for not knowing the truth. The evidence is overwhelming.

Egyptian Media To Flotilla Passenger: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Egyptian Media To Flotilla Passenger: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Often enough Israel's enemies come to the help of the Jewish state through their own stupidity. There's only one thing to say - Praise G-d!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What the Palestinians do not want Jews to know

I should say it is a must watch. Yet videos and articles like this have been out there a dime and a dozen. It does not matter whether or not it is the truth, the world has no interest in it. It wants to see the Jews as the scape goat since two millenia. Even now, this flotilla raid became a new blood libel even so the opposite is true. But no matter how many stations finally come out with the truth (kudos to Fox for honest reporting from the start) the world still does not want to hear it. In the meantime many individuals, Christians and of them especially in America, who turn their heart to G-d see the Jews for who they really are - G-d's chosen. And woe to those who turn against them, they will incure G-d's wrath. There is a scripture in the Old Testament that states that G-d will deal harshly with those nations that he called out to punish the Jews and have done so even more.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

AZ Immigration Law Is Un-American

This Fox article was in today's "The New Media Journal." Below is my response to the superintendent Mr. Ramon C. Cortinez.


L.A. Students to Be Taught That AZ Immigration Law Is Un-American
Source: | FOX News

The Los Angeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona's new immigration law is un-American.

The school board president made the announcement Tuesday night after the district's Board of Education passed a resolution to oppose the controversial law, which gives law enforcement officials in Arizona the power to question and detain people they suspect are in the US illegally when they are stopped in relation to a crime or infraction.

Critics of the law say it will result in racial profiling.

The school board voted unanimously on Tuesday to "express outrage" and "condemnation" of the law, and it called on the school superintendent to look into curtailing economic support to the Grand Canyon State. About 73 percent of the students in the school district are Latino.

But supporters of the law say the school board is way out of bounds and that the measure will just distract from the children's education.

"This is ridiculous, it's ridiculous for us to be involved in Arizona law," said Jane Barnett, Chairman, Los Angeles County Republican Party. "There is a 50 percent dropout rate in some parts of the school district—is this going to keep kids in school?"

According to its press release, "The Los Angeles Board of Education also requested that Superintendent Ramon Cortines ensure that civics and history classes discuss the recent laws with students in the context of the American values of unity, diversity and equal protection for all people."

"America must stand for tolerance, inclusiveness and equality," said Board President Monica GarcĂ­a, according to the release. "In our civics classes and in our hallways, we must give life to these values by teaching our students to value themselves; to respect others; and to demand fairness and justice for all who live within our borders. Any law which violates civil rights is un-American."

In an e-mail to, school district spokesman Robert Alaniz elaborated:

"The Board of Education directed the Superintendent to ensure that LAUSD civics and history classes discuss the recent laws enacted in Arizona in the context of the American values of unity, diversity, and Equal Protection for all. Much like a number of controversial periods and laws that are part of our history and are currently taught including: Slavery; Jim Crowe laws and segregation; Native American reservations; Residential schools (for Native Americans); The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882; Anti-Irish racism in the 19th century; Racism against immigrants from; Southern and Eastern Europe in the 20th century; Anti-Semitism; Internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II; The Mexican Repatriation Program (1929-1939)."

The school district resolution also opposed another new Arizona law that bans schools from teaching classes that promote the overthrow of the government or advocate ethnic solidarity.



Dear Mr. Cortinez,


As I read in today's "The New Media Journal" you plan to teach students in LA public schools that the law which was passed in Arizona on immigration is un-American. Mr. Cortinez, let me ask you something. Do you know what an immigrant is? An immigrant is someone who comes from another country to live in yours. He has to do it by legal means i.e. visa, petition for alien residence, etc. I happen to be one of these. Truly, I would give anything to be a Hispanic right now, but unfortunately I am a Caucasian, to be particular, from Germany. So I guess that disqualifies me automatically to speak on this issue because I'm deemed a white supremacist? Sorry that I can't do better.


First of all, do me a favor and actually read the law that Arizona passed and don't go by the common mantra. Then you would know that all it does is to enforce the laws on the books on immigration that the federal government is unwilling to do so for decades. Second, please, take a note that a great number of the 70 % of Arizonans that have supported that law are Americans of MEXICAN origin. They themselves do not want to deal with criminals that put people living along the border in jeopardy. We're not talking about the poor Mexican peasant worker seeking a better live. Today we deal with DRUG CARTELS and mercenaries shooting whoever is in their way. Did you never hear of that?  And no matter how justified someone's attention may be to come illegally across, being illegal is a criminal offense. Which part is hard to get?


But in Europe they have the same problem. First we had guest workers. Those became permanent. Later on, especially a few years before Germany's reunion, East Germany thought they are being smart and funneled foreigners, mostly coming from Muslim countries, through their country in order to enter West-Germany. West-Germany didn't want to close the border to so called "Asylum seekers" because it would have violated Germany's none recognition status of the sovereignty of East-Germany in fear that it may negate any future chances of reunification. I lived during these pre-dawn months, years, before the Reunification in Germany. We're talking about 150,000 to 200,000 annually in a country of 60 million.


You see, Europe is quite different from the Americas north AND south. The problem is that Europe never has been a country of immigrants. Instead, those that migrated to Europe centuries ago, developed into different peoples that were unified by their language, ethnicity, racial/ethnic characteristics, and culture. There was no such thing as a diversified country. Germans were Germans in everything, so were the French, Dutch, Italians, Spaniards and all the other European countries as well. However, the ending of the colonial period opened up Europe to some of their former subjects and today we have millions living on its continent that adhere to Islam. There is a great wish to revert that because it is one thing allowing people from other parts of the world to live amongst you, it is a total different scenario all together if those same people do not want to assimilate to the culture of the country they are living within.


America (United States in particular) is a country of immigrants. Yet, throughout the centuries every wave of immigrants tried their hardest to become part of what makes Americans, Americans. Often by the third generation these distinctions were all but gone except for some left over traditions. And Americans never closed their borders to immigrants, but it wants it to keep it controlled in order to absorb them easier into American society. But what you and your kind ascribe to is a takeover of the United States by immigrants that came here illegally. Given, some may have very real needs in order to help their families south of the border, but whatever demise these countries are in, isn't that their own fault? Aren't their leaders responsible? Mexico especially is one of the most corrupt countries in existence. Let's not kid ourselves! I would not want to set a foot in Mexico since not even the police can be trusted. Not to speak of abhorable conditions in cities like Juarez, Nogales, and Tijuana. Again, why should Americans make up for the sad conditions in these communities. And isn't it the Mexican government who is tough on immigration?


Lastly what really rattles my boat. I hear the statement being made that Americans should go back to Europe and leave the Southwest to the Mexicans since Mexicans are the genuine natives to this region. Am I missing something? Do Mexican people truly not know their history? Wasn't it the Spanish conquistadores who invaded and conquered what we know now as Mexico and the American Southwest? Aren't Mexican ancestors of Native American and Spanish origin? Wasn't it the Spaniards who brutally slaughtered the Aztecs, who themselves were just as brutal to their neighboring tribes, and enslaved them for work in mines? So why should White Americans go back to Europe when Mexican's ancestry is made up of European origin as well?


I could end this on a really bad note, and yes, I'm angry at the moment. But I'm also a Christian and try to follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as much as I can. And just as I love him, I love his chosen people the Jews for they are the apple of His eye. Therefore, I close with this note. If Jesus Christ would come back today, what would he say about people who turn right and wrong upside down but themselves live by double standards. God condemns very heavily hypocrisy. If you have a bible, open it up to the book of revelation. God doesn't even stop from judging the churches if they have erred of the way. I'm not perfect but if I do something wrong, I try whatever I can do to make it right. So before we call Americans bigots why don't we all look at ourselves to see if we don't have something within us that might make us bigots as well. I always try to respect and admire ones culture. But I never expect to force down the acceptance of my own on someone else. And this is exactly what it is all about on the illegal immigration issue.




Andy Bendzin



Thursday, June 3, 2010

Petition To President Obama To Stand With Israel.

This is a petition by the "Jerusalem Prayer Team" whose founder is Mike Evans. Please, if you care for Israel sign the petition.

We Would Do Well To Take The Bible Into Account

Reading this bears only one thing in mind. The Jews worst enemies were the Amaleks and the Edomites. We are so convenient to look at world events like they have got nothing to do with what the Bible has to say. Why is it that man does not want to acknowledge the truth of the Bible? He is so bent out of shape to become like G=d. This is all what Humanism is about. When Satan said in Isaiah, "I will exalt myself to be the most high," this is exactly what it preaches. This happened back during the days of Noah and the tower of Babel and it is happening now. All you have to do is look at the EU parliament which is exactly like an unfinished ziggurat. And all the symbolism as the statue of the goddess Europa. Europa is a goddess out of mythology. The bull she rides on is Zeus in disguise. But it is also to be noted that the word Bull has been used in Canaanite description as the name for the fertility god also known as Baal. Hence the bull can be taken as a symbol for Satan and the harlot is the world that turns against the saints of whose cup is filled with the blood thereof that makes her drunk. This is exactly what you find on the back side of the E 2.00 coin.

The Amaleks and the Edomites who contest Israel to this day, are to be found all over the world. They didn't die out, but they morphed into new people, new nations. Is it than hard to understand, as in the article above, that the female "peace activists" that were deported back to their European countries, even on the day of being released from prison after being well treated, attacked the Israeli prison guards in a most violent fashion? It is not! It is the continuation of Israel's archenemies. We would do well to learn from the Bible. Only than do we understand world events in its proper context.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flotilla Passengers Fire Live Ammunition at IDF Soldiers

The more I hear about the details of the Flotilla raid with its "Peace Activists" on board, the more I want to throw up at the world. There seems to be hardly anything it has to offer. America may be its last bastion but giving time this could change as well.

Petition to President Obama to stand with Israel.

This is a petition by the "Jerusalem Prayer Team" whose founder is Mike Evans. Please, if you care for Israel sign the petition.

Israeli Flotilla Raid.


The above articles, all from "Israel Today," make it very clear where this whole flotilla raid is going. Nobody seems to care for the truth. But as it turns out there was an Al Qaeda crew on board. They are supposed to be peace activists? Come on, who is so blindsided. Only those who hate the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob which is not the god of the Islamists. But as you can see for yourselves, Obama is using it to distance even more Israel from America. Kudos to Israel, they refuse to allow any further investigation beyond their own mandatory one. Watch my other blog post of the lone Jewish high school student who walks along a frenzied Arab-American crowd undaunted by the slurs thrown at him. This is the kind of support Israel needs from all of us who love G-d. Not a support that is blind to everything Israel does (as all human governments are able to fail more or less) but to the fact that it is G-d's chosen people and the apple of His eye. We need to stand in support for Israel's right to its own Jewish homeland that has the only divine deed in history with the Bible as its proof.

Lone Jewish High School Student Faces Down Arab Mob in LA - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Lone Jewish High School Student Faces Down Arab Mob in LA - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Watch the video! What is revealing are the remarks made by each of the people interviewed. The Jewish high school student says that he stays informed. While the Arab when he was asked about the biblical account of the Jews living in the land of Israel even before the reign of King Soloman replies in a lowered voice that he doesn't know about that. Instead they believe that there has never been the presence of a Jewish nation albeit the overwhelming archeoogical artifacts. And as in the case of the Arab being questioned believe that the Jews take out on the Arabs whatever they had to endure by the Germans. THOSE THAT DON'T LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DESTINED TO REPEAT IT!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Censored Footage from the Gaza Flotilla - How Violence Breaks Out

This is an ongoing problem with the "peacenicks." Too often they only further the cause of the "oppressed" not giving a care about the realities on the ground. Too many that protest for peace or do all kinds of outrageous activities have Marxist/Leninist tendencies. They openly sympathize with the "Palestinians" by wearing the typical kafiyah as scarves. They do not care about democracy or freedom but have their own ideological agendas. That was the background of the peace movement in Germany during the 80s. It is the same now. Nothing has changed.