Saturday, June 19, 2010

Response on “A Religious War” by Uvin A. Clough Jr., TSGT, USAF, from Worth Reading

This is directed to Uvin Clough. Sorry, I'm not familiar with military terms that much but it's evident that you are at least a veteran if not still active member of the armed forces.

First of all, I want to thank you for doing your service for this country. At the same token, this whole war on terror has been troubling for many years. I fully supported George Bush during his first election and second (at least emotionally as I am to this day a German citizen and can't vote. That doesn't mean that I do not invest myself a great deal in politics). But a year into the second term I couldn't take it anymore how nothing, but nothing has been done when the Republican party had both houses under control. That's when I realized that there is truly no difference between parties anymore. They, our leaders, are all part and parcel of the CFR.

The first thing that made me question our engagement in Iraq was a broadcast of Freedom America, I believe. There, a Christian made that statement that it would be wrong to have any more investment in Iraq than to give them a hard blow and leave this as a warning for any future comittment and involvement into acts of terrorism, whether through financial support or otherwise. That was before we even invaded. Instead he suggested that we take control of the oil and maybe equal distribution amongst the populace without engaging in nation building whatsoever.
Before the invasion in Iraq, I have read "The Peace To End All Peace" by David Fromk. The same had been tried by Great Britain after WW I with little to no success.

Other problems I saw arising in this "WOT" is the relationships between our American leaders and the house of Saud, the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Since I have a variety of news sources here and from Israel, I quickly came to realize that Bush truly has not been a friend of Israel. Why else the expulsion in Gaza, why Amona which I make Bush directly responsible for. As a matter of fact, our friend status with Israel is a misnomer at best. Yes we came to their aid many times but we engaged in many other activities that true friends of another country would never do anything that could cause further detrament to the country we're friends with.

Further, it became evident that for some decades now we allowed Muslim immigrants into our country. The result is that we see the same thing happening that happened in the eighties in France with the subjects of France's former colonies living in the country, having their own "ghettos" which nowadays became no-go zones. France, at least, may have an excuse. But America? Why the cuddling of political leaders with the master mind of the Lebanon Barrack bombing in Dearborn Michigan? Why the parralel political and social climate in Muslim neighborhoods in America as in the West Bank and Gaza? Why did America protect the pull out of the PLO at the end of the Lebanon war in 82 by having USAF protecting the french Navy that shipped the PLO out of Beirut from the IAF or Israeli Navy even so the IDF could have finished them off once and for all? Why did Carter use the PLO as a mediator in the Iran hostage crisis who before has been known by most Americans as a terrorist group but now had its status elevated in the public's mind? Why did Carter make a move to provoke the Ayatollah to take American hostages to begin with? Why did America acknowledge the PLO in the 80s as a government in exile without a nation, people, monetary system, and history? Why? Why? Why?.

Do you see where I'm coming from? I wholeheartedly support our troops. But is the cause just when we allow the enemy to establish itself within our borders and have Islamaburgs all over the country where they train Muslims in militant fighting fashions, thus building a fifth column? The least we could do is to allow our brave men and women to do the job they have to do without living in fear that for no reason at all they could face a court marshal as Michael New for resisting to serve under any insignia but the country he comitted to defend when in Bosnia. Like Michael Behennan who is charged with assaulting and murdering an Al Qaida terrorist he was assigned to escort to his family and further interrogation while doing so. He sits now in Fort Leavenworth waiting for the outcome of his court trial while the prosecutors try to block everything and anything to lay evidence for being not so. Like the marine in Fallujah who, I do not know what happened with him, faced a similar situation for killing a wounded old man but had seen his friends being blown up by booby traps attached to the bodies of others, coming to their help after being injured?

Yes, Islam wants to seek dominion. Till then there is the house of Islam (submission) and there is the house of war (dal awar?). But truly it is the world elite that puts a strangle hold on the West to bring it down and strip it of any freedom we ever may have enjoyed. The average jihadists fights his religous war while Americans are befuddled why we can't name the perpetrator for who they are, therefore identifying the enemy. But as Schuyler says, it is ultimately evil against good. It is the forces of Satan against the forces of Almighty G-d. They G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

By the way, I invested eleven years of my pasttime into Israel and the Middle East. When 9/11 happened, all I could think of is that we have the suicide bombers now on our shore. And yet, New York comissioned the building of a mega mosque looking down on Ground Zero. This is for a Islamic Jihadist the ultimate victory. Because we cave in, they already conquered. It's just a matter of time to get everything lined up for the final take over. And yet our leaders can't or should I say won't see.

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