Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pick Up Your Phone, Make Your Voice Heard!

A couple of days ago, Pamela Geller from "Atlas Shrugs" let her readers know that she received a call from Paypal, informing her that her site falls under hate speech and therefore they see no other recourse than to delinguish her account. On reading that, I picked up my phone and called Paypal. I let the person I spoke to know that I was pretty upset that they would cave in to Islamic demands. And that they should put their political correctness on the ash heap of history. As always, I'm very nice to the person I'm talking to, knowing that they just do their job that they are assigned to do.

Today, I read on Pyjamas Media, which is the main web site for PJTV, that Paypal informed Pamela Geller that this was an unfortunate misunderstanding and they apologize for it. Realizing that they were under a barrage of callers and e-mailers, sharing their disgust with Paypal, that it really does matter to let your voice be heard. But if this would be all I wouldn't say anything and do something better with my time than to sit at the computer sharing my thoughts and events of the day with all of you who read this post.

The same article also mentioned that Paypal does not have a problem with a site called "Revolution Muslim" which incites their viewers to the murder of the South Park producers because of one of their show's recent episodes depicting a teddybear or something to the sort named Muhammed. Which again made my hand pick up the phone, call Paypal and ended up with a very nice sweet young lady named Pamela. I told Pamela how I feel about Paypal's double standard. That I'd rather wish to pass on my praise in doing the right thing concerning Atlas Shruggs but can't do so because of Paypal's obvious double standard.

I don't know if it will make a change or not. But one thing that has been prooven to me is that making your voice being heard can and will make an impact if just enough of us get out of their comfy chairs and do a little but momentous impact through numbers. If only few voice their complaints, of course nobody would care but if huge numbers do the same thing, people may just think twice. Now that may not be the case for our "soviet" style politicians but at this point we still can vote them out of office. It just takes the number of people doing so. If only 20 to 30 percent of the population votes, well than guess what, you get stuck with whoever gets the majority vote which isn't a majority at all because too many didn't heed the call to do the most important act that a person in a free society can do, that is to vote. It is a duty, not a choice. And we owe it to those who gave their blood for this beautiful country, shaking off the shakles of an oppressive England.

America has so many fires burning on all sides and part of it is because of the church not standing up and point the way as it used to be in days of old. Well that's true for everyone else too. Now the fire is so big that it's questionable if we are able to extinguish it unless everyone does their share.

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