Friday, May 14, 2010

Sean Hannity Show: Pamela Geller Debates Ghouse (Muslim American Congres...

This is interesting, especially since the Muslim who debates Pamela Geller from "Atlas Shrugs." The Muslim of course tells Mrs. Geller that the Q'uran she reads from is a corrupted translation which does not represent the true face of Islam which would never allow something like 9/11 to happen. Mrs. Geller counters rightly so that her sources are all former Muslims like Norma Darwish, Wafta Sultan and others like them. This is nothing unique and it's very common in Islam. It's called "Takijjah," which is, even so lying is forbidden by Allah, but when it's done to further the spread of Islam which its goal is world dominion, it's perfectly legitimate. This is just another facet of Islam, one of many that the West over and over fails tounderstand. Maybe by design.

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