Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is Oil Spill God's Judgment?

A friend of mine made the comment that the oil spill is G-d's judgment for how America is treating Israel in recent years. I personally would even put Katrina and other catastrophies or stock market occurencies under that category.

As this event is being played all over the media, I went to You Tube and found a video done by an amateur. Just seeing it through the lens of his camera makes you realize how huge the spread is and already is and has reached some of our shores. The impact of that will be a major economical one from fisheries to tourism. If the gulf ever can heal itself is highly questionable. The spill in Alaska by far doesn't reach the size of this one. It's said to leak 250,000 gallons DAILY! How much of that would have fit into the tanker Valdez?

Interestingly when I talked about G-d's judgments while I left a comment to an article on the Medien Backspin, a German news blog, a German Internet friend who sends the links to the same to me on a daily basis meant that I'm really overdoing it this time. When I brought this up to my friend she said that yes, even if Germans strongly support Israel, they do not see things in the same way the way many Christian Americans who love the Jewish people see it. Eventually you just stop talking about it and appreciate the fact that they too, share a love for his chosen people.

Whatever people may or may not believe, things seem to accumulate dramatically. Even the nay sayers would have a hard time to explain it otherwise than with the same old diatribes.

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