Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Few Things On My Mind.

Tonight we were at church for prayer meeting. I had some very good news to share that will help us to hang onto our place a few years longer and depending on what happens things will work out in our favor in the long run.

This being said, I listened to Ravi Zacharia's "Let My People Think!" radio broadcast on my iPod on the way to church. One of the people talking in the discussion lamented how far Evangelicals have drifted away from the Bible's core teachings. Not only in America but here in particular since the majority of the "Christian" world has become so secularized. When it comes to Christians that get involved in politics, and many today are very angry with our leaders, he heard someone spew out his hatred against his political enemies. On the question if this is how Christ would do it, the person's response was, "stop bringing up this Christian x... At this point he realized what he said and took a step back, somewhat
in shock of himself.

Yet, this is the very reason why I mentioned it at church. Well do I remember the emerging religious right and how under majority leader Newt Gingrich and then on during the Bush years we had the highest number of Evangelical incumbents. Did anything change in the fiber of American society? NOTHING!!!!! We still lock horns with anyone and everyone who is not considered a Conservative. And yet, who ever said that being a Christian is being a Conservative. If anything, Jesus attacked the religious leaders as well as the prophets did by telling them to turn back to God or else. But it was left at that. The prophets still cared about the welfare of the people but did not turn away from God when Israel would do so. They still lived a godly live. Christ still went on and healed and preached to tell mankind about the kingdom of God. He did not get consumed trying to fix what politics (legislative morality) could not fix anyway if the people's hearts run astray.

Is this to say that we should not become politically active, whether it is just to vote or even run for political office? Not so! But when we loose focus of God and become so consumed with how we feel about those that evidently run our country into the ground while they are lost just like the rest of humanity who do not know God, then we are no better then them. We do not show Christ's love and mercy and righteousness to a starving world but venom and hatred just like everyone else does. By doing so, instead of drawing the lost to Christ, we push them away.

The same person who voiced his concern said that he travelled quite a bit around the world. He has seen churches from good to ugly and rightout silly, making a mockery of the Christian Martyrs and those Christians that live it every day in the Middle East under extreme difficult circumstances. To us, a good church is the one with the most "entertainment." It's not so much to learn about the word of God, but where can I feel good and have fun.

All the Tea Parties of the world ARE NOTHING!!!!!! outside of God. Let's not make Christianity another ideology but a way of live as Jesus himself lived it before us.

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